Carrot juice is extracted from whole carrots and extremely nutritious. It not only provides potassium and vitamin C but also is very rich in provitamin A. Drinking carrot juice is thought to boost immunity and improve eye and skin health, among other benefits. Here are 8 impressive benefits of carrot juice.

May protect your liver

The carotenoids in carrot juice are thought to promote liver health. Several studies indicate that the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of carotenoids protect against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). NAFLD occurs when fat accumulates on your liver, typically as a result of poor diet, excess weight, or obesity. It may eventually progress to liver scarring and lasting damage.

May boost heart health

Carrot juice may help reduce risk factors for heart disease. First, carrot juice is a good source of potassium, a mineral that plays an important role in proper blood pressure regulation. A high potassium diet has been shown to protect against high blood pressure and stroke Antioxidant compounds in carrot juice may also benefit your heart.

May improve skin health

The nutrients in carrot juice may be particularly beneficial for skin health. One cup (250 ml) of carrot juice provides over 20% of the DV for vitamin C, a water-soluble nutrient necessary for collagen production. This compound is the most abundant fibrous protein in your body, and it provides elasticity and strength to your skin. Additionally, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant to protect your skin from free radical damage.

May improve blood sugar control

Limited animal studies suggest that fermented and purple carrot juice improve blood sugar control. While regular carrot juice also has a low GI, you should be sure to drink it in very moderate amounts.

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May provide anticancer effects

Test-tube studies suggest that certain compounds in carrot juice may protect against cancer. Specifically, polyacetylenes, beta carotene, and lutein from carrot juice extract may be effective against human leukemia cells. One test-tube study found that treating leukemia cells with carrot juice extracts for 72 hours led to cancer cell death and stopped the cell growth cycle. Another test-tube study reported similar results but indicated that polyacetylenes — not beta carotene or lutein — are the main anticancer agents in carrot juice

May boost immunity

Carrot juice may give your immune system a boost. Both vitamins A and C found in carrot juice act as antioxidants and protect immune cells from free radical damage. Additionally, this juice is a rich source of vitamin B6, providing over 30% of the DV in 1 cup (240 mL). Not only is vitamin B6 necessary for an optimal immune response, but deficiency in it is also linked to weakened immunity.

May improve eye health

Carrot juice is a very good source of carotenoids, including beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which are vital for eye health and may protect against AMD.

Highly nutritious

Carrot juice is loaded with vitamin A and high in vitamins C and K. It also contains plant compounds called carotenoids, which act as antioxidants.

How do you like to eat carrots?

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