Whether in coffee, tea, soda, or chocolate, caffeine helps improve alertness and can help you feel more awake by increasing adrenaline levels while lowering the chemicals that encourage sleep. Unfortunately, symptoms of too much caffeine consumption include insomnia, anxiety, irritability, headaches, nervousness, and rapid heartbeat. Here are 10 ways to cut down on your caffeine consumption.

Check your pain reliever

Many over-the-counter medications, especially headache remedies and menstrual pain relievers, contain caffeine. If yours does, change to a different kind.

Mix it up

Alternate one cup of coffee with one cup of herbal tea, or one can of soda with one can of caffeine-free soda or water.

Instead of a large cup of coffee, next time order a small

Starbucks medium and large both contain two shots of espresso, while a small has only one. Another caution: Even those sugary milkshake drinks [like frappucinos] contain caffeine. Ask to have yours made with decaf.

Try a tea shortcut

Brew tea for a shorter amount of time to reduce the amount of caffeine in it.


Don’t add to a caffeine habit

Ask yourself if you really need that extra cup in the late morning. If the answer is no, then skip it.

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Try decaf

Switch to decaf coffee, decaffeinated soda, or even better, water or fruit juices.

Try something new

Consider changing from coffee in the morning to tea. Herbal teas are fine, but green tea is really healthy.

Water down drinks that contain caffeine

They will still have the taste you enjoy, but contain a lower amount of caffeine and carry less risk of caffeine withdrawal symptoms.

Decrease caffeine consumption gradually

Plan your caffeine withdrawal in stages. Caffeine is addictive. If you throw out one-third of your morning coffee today, wait three days and then throw out another bit so you are drinking half, you are off to a great start. If you want to give it up completely, just keep going in steps. This reduction will help lessen caffeine withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, irritability, jitteriness, and nausea.

Know your ingredients

Study the ingredients on foods and drinks and watch out for caffeine. Caffeine is added to many sodas and energy drinks.

How many cups of coffee do you drink per day?

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