If you are trying to find the right partner, you’re not alone. Stay on your best behavior by avoiding certain mistakes. Here are three mistakes you should avoid at all costs.


Unfortunately, it is common for people to ignore intuition. In fact, that is how so many bad relationships occur.
You have probably heard of women’s intuition numerous times throughout your life, but men have excellent intuition as well. Intuition is some subconscious part of you is telling you that the person isn’t the right one. It will be a nagging feeling that you cannot shake.

Many people choose to ignore intuition. Some people will marry their partner even though that intuition has been present throughout the entire relationship. That’s when the worst usually comes out – after you’ve said, “I do.” Have you ever met someone with a long checklist of qualities that their perfect match needs to have? You can bet your paycheck that they will still be single a few years from now. Being too picky is a great way to stay single.
You must realize that no one is perfect. A match can be perfect for you, but not perfect. You will have a better chance of hitting the lottery than you will of finding someone that has every single quality you want in a partner.

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The difference between having standards and being picky can be confusing because it’s such a thin line between the two. Indeed, you should not be picky, but this doesn’t mean that you can’t have standards and deal breakers. Standards and deal breakers will ensure you find the right partner, but being picky will likely result in you missing the right partner.


An unbelievable number of people pretend to be someone or something they’re not when dating. Online dating is even worse – you’re lucky if people even use a real picture of themselves. At first, misrepresenting yourself seems like a great way to attract a lot of potential mates. It works, but it doesn’t last.
Most people seem not to realize that shortly after you meet someone, the truth will come out. They will realize you’ve been lying to them, and just like that, trust is broken. You cannot build a relationship without trust, so the potential relationship is over before it can even get started.

What else you think you should avoid for finding your perfect match?

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