Have you ever lifted weights to gain strength? The more you work those muscles, the stronger they become. Being kind to others is like working out your muscle groups; the more you work on it, the easier it will become. Additionally, you will become a stronger human being in the process.
1. If you’re wondering how you can show kindness other than telling someone they look nice, then here are some ways to help you out.
2. Go out of your way to smile at others.
3. Greet others with a “Good Morning when you enter your workplace.
4. Leave your problems behind and focus on those around you.
5. Be friendly and cheerful to everyone you meet.
6. Say “please” and “thank you” often to show your good manners.
7. Give a genuine compliment to someone well deserving.
8. Take time to give family and friends warm bear hugs.
9. Don’t complain about your life when you are in front of others.
10. Listen more than you speak.
11. Be eager to forgive because no one is perfect.
12. Show gratitude and the things you appreciate about an individual.
13. Be a shoulder to cry on when someone is sad.
14. Remain honest and keep a high level of confidence.
15. Be considerate of others, even if you have differing views or opinions.
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16. Deliver a card or gift to an individual who is going through a difficult time.
17. Be gracious and jovial to those you meet.
18. Be patient even when you don’t feel like it.
19. Look for approaches to assist others.
20. Respect the personal boundaries of folks.
21. Be a tutor, teacher, or counselor to someone in need.
22. Never gossip or complain about how bad you have it in life.
23. Use a nice, gentle voice when communicating with others.
24. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and look at life through their eyes.
25. Never interrupt others when they’re speaking.
26. Try to learn people’s names, and always address them by it, which makes you seem warm and endearing.
27. Believe the best about people, and always give others the benefit of the doubt.
28. Go out of your way to speak to those who are lonely or shy.
29. Always make time to volunteer to help the less fortunate.
30. Apologize when you’ve done wrong, and always be the bigger person.
31. Never let a person’s anger or hostility bring out the anger in you.
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