Carbonated water is a refreshing beverage and good alternative to sugary soft drinks. However, some people are concerned that it may be bad for your health. This article takes a detailed look at the health effects of carbonated water.

Does it affect heart health?

Carbonated water may have beneficial effects on your cholesterol, inflammation, and blood sugar levels, potentially reducing your risk of heart disease. However, more studies are necessary.

Does carbonated water affect bone health?

Drinking carbonated cola drinks may harm bone health, but plain sparkling water appears to have a neutral or positive effect.

May help relieve constipation

People who experience constipation may find that drinking sparkling water helps relieve their symptoms. In a 2-week study in 40 older individuals who had experienced a stroke, average bowel movement frequency nearly doubled in the group that drank carbonated water, compared with the group that drank tap water.

May increase feelings of fullness

Carbonated water may also extend feelings of fullness after meals to a greater extent than plain water. Sparkling water may help food remain in your stomach longer, which can trigger a greater sensation of fullness. In a controlled study in 19 healthy young women, fullness scores were higher after the participants drank 8 ounces (250 ml) of soda water, compared with after drinking still water.

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Can improve swallowing ability

Studies suggest that sparkling water may improve swallowing ability in both young and older adults. In one study, 16 healthy people were asked to repeatedly swallow different liquids. Carbonated water showed the strongest ability to stimulate the nerves responsible for swallowing.

Does it affect dental health?

Sugar-sweetened carbonated beverages can erode tooth enamel, but plain carbonated water appears relatively harmless.

Carbonated water combines water and carbon dioxide under pressure. Sodium and other minerals are often added. Carbonated water is acidic, but your body should maintain a stable, slightly alkaline pH no matter what you consume. No evidence suggests that carbonated or sparkling water is bad for you.

Do you prefer the taste of sparkling water or plain one?

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