August 13 is Left-Handers Day. Created in 1992 by the Left-Handers Club as a way to celebrate left-handers, the unofficial holiday aims to ‘raise awareness of the advantages and disadvantages left-handers face. Bellow are Amazing Facts About Left Handed People.

Recover From Strokes Faster

For the majority of the population the left side of the brain is largely in control of language function. This is the reason why most strokes or brain injuries which occur on the left side will have an adverse effect on language. 95% of right-handed people have left brain dominance when it comes to language control, whereas this drops to 70% for lefties.

Better at Multi-Tasking

Experiments showed that when given two tasks to complete simultaneously, southpaw participants performed best. This is because right handed people tend to solve problems by breaking them down into parts and analyzing each piece one at a time. Whereas left handed people tend to look at the problem as a whole and use pattern-matching to try and solve.

More Likely to Be Male

According to a study 23% more men are left handed. This study compiled the data from 144 individual studies including a sample size of almost 2 million participants, so is generally accepted to be statistically relevant.

Use the Right Side of the Brain the Most

The brain is cross-wired, meaning that the right side controls the left side of the body and vice versa. Hence the well known saying ‘only left handed people are in their right minds’. The right-hand side of the brain is thought to coordinate the left side of the body and control tasks to do with the arts and creativity.

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More Likely to Suffer Sleep Deprivation

It turns out that being left handed may also potentially ruin the quality of slumber that you experience! Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) is a condition where your limbs move involuntarily during sleep. In a 2011 study, it was found that 69% of right handed participants had bilateral limb movements compared to a whopping 94% of left handed patients! So if you’re kicking your partner in bed while you sleep, now you know why!

More Likely to Have Allergies

A study found that left handed people were 11 times more likely to suffer from allergies than right handed folk. The research also found that left handers were two-and-a-half times more likely to suffer from auto-immune disorders, for example ulcerative colitis or rheumatoid arthritis.

Make Up Roughly 12% of the Population

On average, 12% of the world is left handed, 87% right handed, and 1% ambidextrous. However, the percentage of lefties worldwide is slowly creeping up as being left handed becomes more socially accepted. Believe it or not, to this day some countries still try and force children to learn to write with their right hand!

Do you have left-handed work colleagues?

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