Just because we don’t see our hair on the day to day doesn’t mean slinging it in a tight bun or pony tail to keep it pulled away from sight each day is the answer to being veiled. Here are 8 tips for hair care for a hijabi.
1 Braid it
Braiding your hair is still a really common tool across the board to keep hair at bay. Creating waves in very straight hair that are not often there, giving a little volume, taming frizz, or even a means to keep your hair tidy whilst under the hijab all day so it doesn’t annoy you with unruly strands coming into your eyes.
2 Hair Masks
It’s all about taking time out after a lovely bath, putting your hair in some argon oil, tying it nicely in a pretty towel and sitting with a good book as it breathes in the good kind of moistures. There are many hair masks on the market, for every type of hair.
3 Try to use oils to keep it hydrated
Your hair is entrusted as an amanah too. So with reference to bullet point 2, definitely find the right oils for your hair type, and create a trial and error process, avoiding the ones that leave it dry and bristle, and others that leave it drowned in grease.
4 Cut a Fringe
Want to sling on a hijab without worrying about your receding hair line? I would say cut a fringe, they’re actually super in this season, and it is unbelievably culturally acceptable to be donning a fringe without looking like a child.
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5 Stop pulling your hair back
To prevent receding hairlines, something that many girls are starting to complain about and find treatment for through micro needling. Let’s start with loosening our buns and ponytails. Putting an under cap that you can find from any Islamic book shop, or mosque to tidy away the baby hairs and strays.
6 Schedule in time outside in your garden
It is absolutely necessary for us to go outside hijab less every once in a while, go to town in your ladies beaches. Take this time to let your hair feel some vitamin D, let it feel the wind, let it breathe in the oxygen too. This can also lead you to another sub point, why not in the process try a little gardening to make your hair care routine even more enjoyable.
7 Trial and error hijab materials suitable for your hair type
Material is everything, just like we wouldn’t use certain material types depending on our skin type, we need to treat our hair the same. If cotton works for you, become an expert cotton hijab wearer. Silk, satin, jersey, find hijab materials that are breathable.
8 Sleep on a silk pillow
Silk pillows help your hair control sebum, an oily secretion of the sebaceous glands. So the normal, traditional cotton pillowcases actually are able to soak the sebum up overnight, making our scalp actually end up producing more oil in the process to compensate for what has been lost.
What is your daily routine for hair protection?
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