We’ve all been in some pretty tough spots throughout our lives. Regardless of how good things seem to be, we all experience those moments that make us think “I can’t do it”, or “I can’t go on any longer.” These are important moments in our lives. They have the potential to make or break us on our path towards success and happiness, so we must make the right choices in these moments.

Life Isn’t Certain, Accept It

Nothing in life is ever going to be 100% guaranteed for any of us. Additionally, sometimes things are just going to happen. You can predict or plan for everything in your life, but things will pop up and surprise you.

Remember Your Why

Remember your WHY — this is probably one of the best ways to overcome that “I can’t do it” feeling. Remember why you started on this path in the first place. Remember why you passionately pursued this goal. Don’t let that vision of yours slip away.

Breaking Things Into Manageable Steps Works Wonders

Divide and conquer. Sometimes we stand in our own way by focusing on our biggest goals as a whole. If you don’t already do this, you’d be amazed by how much simpler even your biggest goals seem when you break them down into small, manageable steps. The next time you catch yourself thinking “I can’t do it,” take a quick pause. Are you looking strictly at the end result? Or are you looking at the steps you need to take towards that goal?

Remember Where You Came From

When I feel like I can’t do it anymore, I often try to look back at where I’ve come from. I’ve grown a lot throughout my life and overcome some pretty tough things. If you’re anything like me, I’m willing to bet that you have also. Remember to be proud of the person that you’ve become today. Be proud of the time and effort you’ve invested in your development because it’s what has gotten you here.

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Positivity and Gratitude Goes a Long Way

You can’t get mad at yourself from going through and experiencing a rough spell. We all experience those tough times; it’s just the reality of living a life here on Earth.

Get Comfortable With Discomfort

When you feel like you can no longer do what you’re supposed to do and want to scream “I can’t do it,” remember that life was not designed to be easy.

Acknowledging a Challenge Leads to Its Correction

Building on the last point, it’s important to acknowledge the challenges you face. By acknowledging them, you can accept that they exist in your life. Then, you will be able to generate solutions to overcome those challenges.

Persistence Is Often Key

Our persistence towards any goal is very often the key to whether we achieve it or not. It’s not uncommon for the most successful people in our lives to also be those who were willing to persist through the most struggles, failures, and hardships.

What motivates you the most when you feel like giving up?

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