8 Ways to Be a Better Dad

As the world celebrates father’s day on the third Sunday of June, we brought you ways to be a better dad: get involved to raise happier, healthier child!

1 Show affection

Children need the security that comes from knowing they are wanted, accepted, and loved by their family. Showing affection every day is the best way to let your children know that you love them. So, give them a hug before you leave for work, write a quick note to pack with their lunch, and tell them you love them on a regular basis.

2 Read to your children

Begin reading to your children when they are very young. Even babies benefit from the nurturing that comes when a parent spends time reading to them. Instilling a love for reading is one of the best ways to ensure children develop a lifetime of personal and professional growth.

3 Eat together as a family

Sharing a meal together can be an important part of healthy family life. It gives children, especially as they get older, the chance to talk about what they are doing and it is a good time for fathers and mothers to listen and offer advice in positive tones.

4 Be a teacher

A father who teaches his children about right and wrong and encourages them to do their best will see his children make good choices. So, don’t worry about perfection: connection is more important than perfection. Involved fathers use everyday examples to teach the basic lessons of life.

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5 Be a role model

Fathers are role models whether they realize it or not. A girl with a loving father grows up knowing she deserves to be treated with respect. Fathers can teach sons what is important in life by demonstrating honesty, humility, and responsibility. Your children look to you for all kinds of behavioral clues.

6 Discipline with love

All children need guidance and discipline, not as punishment, but to set reasonable limits and help children learn from natural or logical consequences. Fathers who discipline in a calm, fair, and nonviolent manner show their love. Remember, kids can be very perceptive. They pick up on social cues even before you may realize it and they know—consciously or unconsciously—the difference between loving punishment and punishment out of anger.

7 Spend time with your children

If you always seem too busy for your children, they will feel neglected no matter what you say. And no, surfing the Internet or checking your email while your child plays by herself in the same room does not count as spending time with your children. Set aside time to spend with your children interacting directly with them.

8 Respect your child’s other parent

When children see their parents respecting each other, they are more likely to feel that they are also accepted and respected. Seeing adults in the home treat one another with respect and handle challenges with an attitude of cooperation and empathy also teaches positive relationship building.

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