Layals Universe
3 الدورات • 4 الطلابسيرة شخصية
"This space is concerned with Being connected to everything that is; and above all, our awareness of this connection and how we can BE it in our daily lives.
Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator
TTTE Certified Facilitator
Relationships Done Different Certified Facilitator
Journeys organizer for connecting with the Earth and its electromagnetic field.
I am on the path of Awareness of integrated Shamanism, Access Consciousness and the effect of sound and sound healing in combination with the breath.
Teaching “Integrative Beingness” a self researched modality in dealing with general health through zero thought.
Organizer of “The Circle of Life” for women and men based on ancient teachings of the menstrual cycle and awakening the cosmic womb and our connection to it.
Facilitator of sound healing circles, first of a kind in the Middle East and based on cymatics and the effect of sound on our health.
All the courses here are based and using the tools of Access Consciousness"