Dry eye can be a temporary or chronic condition. Chronic dry eye occurs when your eyes can’t produce enough tears. This may be because your tears are evaporating too quickly. It can also be due to inflammation in or around the eye. Here are the treatments available for chronic dry eye so you can find one that works best for you.

Lifestyle changes

There are some at-home changes you can make that may improve your chronic dry eye symptoms. These include:

• avoiding smoking and limiting exposure to secondhand smoke
• drinking water throughout the day to stay hydrated
• using a cool mist humidifier to add moisture to the air
• blinking often when doing the same task for a long time, like reading or looking at a computer
• wearing sunglasses with side shields to prevent tears from evaporating

Natural treatments

There are several natural treatments that may help chronic dry eye. Examples include:

Castor oil eye drops

Castor oil may help reduce tear evaporation, which can improve your symptoms. Artificial tear eyedrops that contain castor oil are available. Always talk to your doctor before trying any natural remedy.

Omega-3 supplements

Adding supplements and foods into your diet that contain omega-3 fatty acids may help relieve your symptoms by reducing inflammation in your body. More research is needed, but you may benefit from taking fish oil supplements or eating foods like flaxseed, salmon, and sardines.

Massage your eyelids with a mild soap, such as baby shampoo

Close your eyes, apply the soap with your fingertips, and gently massage your eyelids.

A warm, wet cloth

Hold this over your eyes for five minutes to reduce dry eye symptoms.

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In addition to lifestyle changes and natural treatments, certain procedures may be used to treat chronic dry eye. This includes:

Clearing blocked oil glands

Your doctor may recommend a procedure known as LipiFlow thermal pulsation to clear blocked oil glands. The technique involves placing what looks like a large contact lens over your eye and behind your eyelids. Another shield is placed outside your eyelids and both devices apply heat to your eyelids. The treatment takes about 12 minutes.

Special contacts

You may find relief from chronic dry eye by wearing scleral or bandage contact lenses. These special contacts are designed to protect the surface of your eye and prevent moisture from escaping. This option is helpful if your chronic dry eye is caused mainly by losing tears too quickly.

Closing your tear ducts

If your chronic dry eye doesn’t respond to traditional methods, your doctor may recommend this procedure to partially or completely plug your tear ducts. The idea is that tears will stay in your eyes longer if there is nowhere for them to drain. Punctal plugs are made of silicone and are removable.

Have you tried any of the tips above?

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