Your Way to Attract Healthier Relationships .. Starts here!

When it comes to finding Mr. or Mrs. Right, we usually feel stumped and we actually go through a lot before finding him/her! that we come to a point where we say “all the good ones are taken” or why do i meet only the wrong people!?

While this may be true for some, there are some things you can do to attract healthier and – only healthier- relationships.

So what can you do starting today to change this? You may be wondering is this even possible?

let us figure out!

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1- Self-Image & Self-Love:

– let us get it shot and simple, if you have a negative self image or an unhealthy one, how do you think you would attract someone who is a healthy and a good person?!

– You do not only have to like yourself but you have to lover her!  and you need to practice how to praise your strengths and accept and love yourself just the way you are.

2- How do You Treat Yourself?!

– Again, if you do not treat your self well! why would you expect a stranger to do so?! learn how to be kind to yourself. How you treat yourself is the example you set for how others will treat you, You deserve to be treated well and it starts with you.

3- How do you  Speak To Yourself?!

– Praise your strengths and be proud of who you are, and if anything is out there your are not really proud of in your past, leave it behind! what you did is not who you are! we just gain more experience through time and times of disappointment, respect your failures and be proud to have encountered them to build a better you.

Respect yourself, notice your strengths, talk about positive things you are doing or have done. Be proud of who you are, why not. If you are hoping to have a relationship with someone who respects you, you’ve got to first respect yourself.

As they say it is never too late to have a new beginning!

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