Eating popcorn is one of the healthiest snack habits you can have. It’s filled with fiber, has more antioxidants than some fruits and vegetables, and may even help fight cancer. Bellow are more benefits of the whole grain snack.

Popcorn has more iron than spinach

Not by much, but it’s true: According to the United States Department of Agriculture, 1 ounce (28 grams) of popcorn contains 0.9 mg of iron, while 1 cup of raw spinach (30 grams) has 0.8 mg. These numbers seem small, but adult men only need 8 mg of iron in their diet each day. Adult women, on the other hand, need 18 mg per day (because of the blood they lose during menstruation).

Popcorn is diabetic friendly

Even though fiber is listed on food labels under total carbohydrates, it doesn’t have the same effect on blood sugar as refined carbs like white bread. High-fiber foods don’t contain as much digestible carbohydrate, so it slows the rate of digestion and causes a more gradual and lower rise in blood sugar, according to 2015 research in the journal Circulation.

It’s the perfect dieting snack

High-fiber foods take more time to digest than non-fibrous foods, so they can keep you fuller longer. Snacking on air-popped popcorn in between meals can make you less tempted by sweets and fatty foods. Just don’t load up on butter and salt.

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Popcorn may help relieve constipation

Since popcorn is all whole grain, its insoluble fiber helps keep your digestive tract in check and prevents constipation. A 3-cup serving contains 3.5 grams of fiber, and a high-fiber diet can help promote intestinal regularity, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Who knew this small snack could make such a huge impact on digestive health?

Popcorn gives you your fill of whole grain

Popcorn is one snack that is 100 percent unprocessed whole grain. Just one serving of popcorn such contains more than 70 percent of the recommended daily whole grain intake. Plus, eating more popcorn is one of the ways to get more fiber in your diet without even trying.

Popcorn may help fight cancer

One of the many powers of polyphenols, like those found in popcorn, is their ability to block enzymes that cancers need to grow and, in doing so, regulate the spread of cancerous cells, notes the American Institute for Cancer Research.

Who do you like sharing your popcorn with?

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