National Simplicity Day was founded in honour of Henry David Thoreau, who was born on July 12, 1817. Thoreau was an advocate of living simply and wrote a number of well known books on the subject. Read on for ways you can join in on National Simplicity Day this year. You might find that you want to keep up the changes to lead a simpler life all year long.

Recycle More Than Normal

Recycling is something anyone can do for National Simplicity Day. Even if you don’t have a recycling disposal company come and pick up your designated bins, you can take your recyclables to a local center that will take care of them for you.

Bring a Bag

Going to the grocery store is something that people do every week across the globe. Those trips add up and the plastic bag pollution is evidence of that. Between 500 billion and a trillion plastic bags are used worldwide every year. Of all the junk that’s found along coastlines, plastic bags rank in the top 12 items of debris.

Turn Off the TV

Another way to save on energy is to turn off the TV. When you feel like you need to relax with your favorite show, opt for different entertainment instead. Environmentally friendly options would be reading, playing a board game or car game or even painting. These activities are therapeutic as well, so you’ll relieve stress and have an engaging fun activity to do in your free time.

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Have a Short Shower

Showering before work or a social event means that you’re probably rushing to get done, but you might enjoy taking longer showers when you can. For one day, make your shower as short as possible. The idea is to conserve water, which isn’t just good for the earth. Using less water on a regular basis will save you money on your water bill, so it’s worth trying out.

Skip the Dryer

When your washing machine is done with its wash cycle, it’s easy to throw things in the dryer and move on with your day. Take a break from your dryer and make your own drying rack instead. It’s easy enough to throw your clothes over the rack, and it’ll save energy by not using it. Less energy means that the earth is being given its own space. It’s a simple way to be sustainable and celebrate the upcoming holiday at the same time.

Bike to Work

Using a car or bus to get where you need to go is something that can be easily taken for granted. In reality, it’s simpler to walk or bike where you need to go. Biking to work even just for one morning will give your body a nice workout while it helps the planet.

Take a Walk

Sometimes the best way to stop taking something for granted is to immerse yourself in it. Taking a long walk on National Simplicity Day will remind you of all the wonders that the earth has to offer.
How do you work on making your life simpler?

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