Positive well-being matters

Positive well-being is not precisely the same factor as happiness. It is defined in the international of positive psychology as a condition where someone is living their life with happiness, engagement, and meaning.

Certainly, through defining terms clearly, we are able to see that positive well-being should bring with it considerable workplace advantages.

If nothing else, a workplace filled with people experiencing positive well-being would be a greater place to be than one filled with cranky, sad and bored people.

The following tips will develop your positive well-being.

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1- Build Resilience

Resilience is the potential to respond as it should be against stressful occasions, to bend without breaking, to weather change and nevertheless be capable of getting things accomplished.

We are able to build more resilience in our people by keeping them hopeful about the future and where we’re going. Then, when they face demanding situations, they can their attention focused on the road in advance.

2- Make it a focal point

If we want to alternate behavior, we should change the relationship between the worker and the corporation. Real motivation comes from inside – It can’t just be about money and numbers.

3- Link it to purpose and Values

We need to enhance and promote values-driven behavior. put those who exemplify the mentioned values in leadership positions as a way to build large teams that live those values.

We need to communicate more openly about our values – Lead them to an actual part of our decision making.

4- Stop Motivating, start meeting needs

Positive well-being relies on this feeling of meaning and purpose. According to Fowler, ‘when people find values-based totally the meaning of their work, they have more chance to stay with and propose their company, perform higher, make more effort, and be better co-workers.

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