Can I take my kid to the playground or on the subway? Should my child be tested? All these questions and many more cross our mind each day. Below you will find answers to some of the most common questions parents ask about Coronavirus.

1 Should my family be taking any extra hygienic measures beyond hand washing?

You can wash bedsheets and towels more often. You could also wash stuffed animals more often and clean hard toys with antibacterial wipes regularly, particularly after outdoor use.

2 Should I take my child to her scheduled well visit?

If you have a newborn, toddler or young child who is still receiving immunizations, it is important to take her to her well visit, as long as you can do it safely. If your child is older and has received all of her immunizations, the A.A.P. recommends that you consider postponing your well visit for the near term.

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3 My child has mild cold or flu symptoms. Should I take him to the hospital?

No. Coronavirus symptoms can include fever, dry cough or shortness of breath. If your child has other symptoms, like mild fever, runny nose or sore throat, you should call your pediatrician first before going anywhere. If your child develops more severe symptoms, such as trouble breathing, an inability to eat or drink or a change in behavior, you should visit a doctor.

4 Should Grandma still come visit?

Older adults, especially those who have compromised immune systems, seem to be the most vulnerable to the new coronavirus. If possible, grandparents should not visit their grandchildren right now. “It appears that children and young adults are an important vector for coronavirus, because they may be infectious even if they don’t have symptoms.

5 Can we see other families at all?

It might be feasible for your child to play outside with one other child if they can keep six feet apart, but the reality is that keeping younger kids from touching their friends is nearly impossible. So zero play dates at this point is the best option.

6 Can I still take my child to public places?

The general advice is sticking close to home and avoiding large groups of people. So you have to avoid food courts, restaurants and groups of more than 10 people. You can’t be sure that popular public spaces like playgrounds are risk-free as the virus is estimated to survive on metal, glass and plastic surfaces for anywhere from 2 hours to nine days.

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