Somewhat ironically, once you stop worrying about being likable, you’ll have a better chance at winning other people over. Check the signs bellow to know.

1 You ask a lot of questions in conversation

People who ask lots of questions are rated more likable than their conversation partners who ask fewer questions. Follow-up questions (ones related to something you’ve just been discussing) are especially helpful.

2 You nod attentively while other people are speaking

Nodding your head is an easy way to ingratiate yourself with your conversation partner. you can use the “triple nod” as a subtle cue for your conversation partner to keep talking. Once they are done speaking and pause, nod three times in quick succession and they will often continue.

3 You know when and how to share something personal

Research suggests that the development of friendship is based largely on self-disclosure: sharing details about your life with another person. But if you get too personal too fast, you risk sabotaging your own likability. If you reveal something highly intimate, especially something negative, early on in a relationship, it suggests that you’re insecure and can decrease your likability, according to researchers.

4 You’re highly empathetic

If you want to be popular — meaning well-liked, not well-known but hated — you’d do well to cultivate empathy for others. Emotional intelligence is related to empathy. Ask open-ended questions, listen actively, and ask others what they would do in a particular situation before offering advice.

5 You have a good sense of humor

If you’re able to find the funny in any situation, you’re probably well-liked by your friends and colleagues. Regardless of whether people were thinking about their ideal friend or romantic partner, a sense of humor was really important. Using humor when you’re first getting to know someone can make the person like you more.

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6 You let people talk about themselves

People like talking about themselves. And if you let them do that? They’ll like you too. Harvard researchers discovered that talking about yourself may be inherently rewarding, the same way that food and money are.

7 You’re not always perfect

Ever tripped on the carpet on your way out of an important meeting? Go you! Science suggests that revealing you aren’t perfect can make you seem more relatable and vulnerable toward the people around you.

8 You show positive emotions

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood! (Isn’t it?) According to a research paper from the Ohio State University and the University of Hawaii, people can unconsciously feel the emotions of those around them. It follows then that if you’re generally upbeat and enthusiastic, other people will feel the same when you’re around.

9 You make a great first impression

First impressions are notoriously hard to shake — so if you make a solid one, you’re basically set up to be likable for life. If you do make a poor first impression, there are ways to reverse it. For example, if someone views you negatively, you can help them see your behavior in a new context.

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How likable you think you are?

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