Smart Snacks

It is natural to experience hunger at certain times — like between an extended afternoon of classes and your swim meet. Understanding how much food your body needs to fulfill this starvation is essential.

Why Healthy snacking is good?

To provide your body with the essential nutrients it needs to grow.
To maintain your energy level throughout the day and keep your mind alert.

How to keep energy levels going — and avoid weight gain?

Through eating foods that comprise fiber like whole-grain breads, cereals, fruit, and vegetables and integrate them with protein-rich snacks such as peanut butter or low-fat yogurt or cheese.

Shop smart and watch out!

“All natural” or “pure” doesn’t mean it’s nutritious. Because the juice is full of sugar which means high calories.
A granola bar may be a very good source of certain vitamins and nutrients; however it consists of a particularly harmful sort of fat known as trans-fat.
You can choose whether a food is healthy for you through analyzing the ingredients and the nutrition data on the food label.

Here are some ways to make healthy snacking part of your everyday routine:

Prepare healthy snacks in advance

When you prepare something yourself, you need to manipulate the ingredients and put in what’s suitable for you. Get your meal and go.

Keep healthy snacks with you

Make it a habit to stash some healthy food in your backpack.
Make it interesting.
Provide yourself a variety of alternatives while preparing your serving such as: whole-wheat pretzels with spicy mustard, rice cakes with peanut butter and raisins, or low-fat fruit yogurt are healthy.

Satisfy cravings with healthier approaches

Substitute your unhealthy craving with a non-fat one. Here are some of them:
Replace a chocolate bar with a hot chocolate drink that has only 140 calories and 3 grams of fat.
Replace a cone of ice cream with nonfat frozen yogurt.
Baked tortilla chips with corn chips.

Healthy treats

Ants on a log, banana ice, ice pops and Whole-grain pita and hummus.

Don’t do a stop to devour a burger and fries, potato chips, or candy. However, eat healthy food that provide you with the fuel you need to keep going. As with everything, moderation is key to smart snacking.

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