Hummus is an incredibly popular Middle Eastern dip and spread. It is typically made by blending chickpeas (garbanzo beans), tahini (ground sesame seeds), olive oil, lemon juice and garlic in a food processor. Not only is hummus delicious, but it is also versatile, packed with nutrients and has been linked to many impressive health and nutritional benefits. Here are 8 scientifically proven benefits of hummus.

Incredibly Easy to Add to Your Diet

Not only is hummus nutritious and tasty, but it’s also easy to add to your diet — there are seemingly endless ways you can use hummus. Spread it onto your favorite wrap, pita pocket or sandwich instead of other high-calorie spreads like mayonnaise or creamy dressings.

Great for Those With Intolerances, as It’s Naturally Gluten-, Nut- and Dairy-Free

Food allergies and intolerances affect millions of people worldwide. People who suffer from food allergies and intolerances struggle to find foods they can eat that won’t cause uncomfortable symptoms. Fortunately, hummus can be enjoyed by nearly everyone. It is naturally gluten-, nut- and dairy-free, which means it suits people who are affected by common conditions like celiac disease, nut allergies and lactose intolerance.

Promotes Weight Loss and Helps You Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

Hummus is a great source of fiber and protein, which may promote weight loss. Surveys have shown that people who consume chickpeas or hummus regularly are less likely to be obese, plus have a lower BMI and smaller waist circumference.

Contains Heart-Healthy Ingredients That May Reduce Heart Disease Risk

Hummus contains chickpeas and olive oil — two ingredients that may reduce risk factors, and thus overall risk, for heart disease.

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Has a Low Glycemic Index, So May Help Control Blood Sugar Levels

Hummus has a low glycemic index, which means it slowly releases sugar into the bloodstream. This is also aided by the resistant starch, fat and protein it contains.

High in Fiber That Promotes Digestive Health and Feeds Your Good Gut Bacteria

Hummus is a great source of fiber, which can help keep you regular. Additionally, chickpea fiber may promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria, which produce butyrate — a type of fatty acid that helps nourish cells in the gut.

Rich in Ingredients Proven to Help Fight Inflammation

Hummus contains chickpeas, olive oil and sesame seeds (tahini), which are proven to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Super Nutritious and Packed With Plant-Based Protein

Hummus provides a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. It is also a great plant-based source of protein, which makes it a nutritious option for vegans and vegetarians.

How do you like to eat hummus?

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