August 11 is Son and Daughter Day, a day for parents to show their love and appreciation for their children. So, take this day to tell your sons and daughters how much they mean to you and that you respect them and love them. Bellow are tips on how to teach your children gratitude.

Find the silver lining

It’s human nature to see the glass half-empty from time to time — and children are no exception. When kids complain or gripe, it can be helpful to try to find a response that looks on the bright(er) side. It’s called an “attitude of gratitude” for a reason — it’s about perspective more than circumstance. Sometimes it’s tempting to wallow lingeringly in self-pity. But as parents we need to remember that it’s more productive to teach our kids to be resilient and refocus them on the positives they may be overlooking.

Look for teachable moments

Sure, we all take the opportunity to have periodic conversations about values with our children — but the key is to keep our eyes open for situations that eloquently illustrate our point. We need to seize those moments and be prepared to use them as the powerful teaching aids that they are.

Insist on politeness and respect all around

When we teach our children to treat others with dignity and respect, they’ll be more likely to appreciate the ways in which those folks contribute to and improve their lives.

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Encourage them to give back

The old saying “it’s better to give than to receive” has stuck around for a reason. It really does feel great to help someone else out. When kids give their time and energy to help others, they’re less likely to take things like health, home and family for granted.

Link gratitude to your Higher Power

Most religious traditions emphasize the practice of gratitude through acknowledging blessings and through serving others. Attending regular religious services is one way for kids to gain a sense of gratitude as part of a community.

Be a grateful parent

What an invaluable exercise it is to tell our kids why we’re grateful to have them! It goes without saying that we love our kids, and that we’re thankful beyond words for their love, their smiles, their hugs and so much more. When we tell them what makes them special to us, their self-esteem is boosted for the right reasons.

How do you teach your children gratitude?

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