If you want to feel better about getting older, all you have to do is make yourself feel fabulous about the place you’re at. Just check things off your bucketlist and 30 won’t be so daunting after all. We’ve rounded up a bucketlist of 6 things to get you started.

1 Start looking after your body

Move, run, walk, stretch, work out, a quick five or ten minute meditation each morning will help balance your mind, and remind yourself that you are fabulous.
Your body and mind are your most valuable assets. Remember to give yourself a tune up every day by doing some activities, get to your 30s full of energy!

2 Read at least one book every week

Start reading one book every week. Make time, there’s always time. Reading in not only a hobby but is an amazing habit. Set yourself a reading goal and accomplish it each years, plus you know, you are learning things. Reading is a good way to learn better about you. We all need to escape from the pressing concerns of reality once in a while.

3 Learn a second language

There are so many benefits to learning another language. Discovering new cultures, forming deep connections with people from other countries, and boosting your job and living abroad prospects are just a few.

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4 Write a letter for your future self

Maybe thinking about your 40s is too early right now, but is never too late to have new goals, to motivate yourself to be better. There is nothing more precious than seeing oneself succeeding in goals set by our own selves. Think of it as an exercise in self-love.

5 Volunteer

Being a little self-involved in your 20s is common. But When you’re young, it’s easy to focus solely on yourself. But if you think about it, taking some time to improve someone else’s life, even with a little gesture can help to ground you when you find yourself getting to caught up in this materialistic world.

6 Move Abroad For A While

There is no experience quite like living in another country. Starting from scratch with no friends or support system is scary, but it’s also completely liberating. Daring to take the leap into the unknown and flourishing will give you the kind of self-confidence you’ve always dreamed of. Once you get out into the world and live among different cultures, you realise that we have more similarities than we have differences.

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What is the thing you would love to accomplish the most before turning 30?

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