If you’re looking for small things to help keep you healthy while staying at home and social distancing, here are some science-backed ideas.

Get some sleep

Staying hydrated, eating enough fiber and getting moving all help you have restful nights and set you up for weight-loss success. In addition, try not to stress out and limit caffeine late in the day. Beyond what you put in your body, sleep doctors have recommended sticking to regular sleep and wake schedule that is sustainable for your lifestyle is crucial for a healthy sleep pattern.

Stand up

Sitting is something we all do too much of these days. From back problems to mental health challenges, sitting all day can have several negative impacts on our health. It can be tempting to park it on the couch or at a desk chair for hours on end, especially now, without a lot of reasons to get up and go somewhere. Standing more can give a healthful boost to your everyday activities.

Eat more fiber

Without changing anything else about your diet, eating more fiber has been proven to help with weight loss. Beyond keeping you regular, fiber keeps you full for longer. Fiber has an array of other health benefits too, ranging from lower chronic disease risk and improved gut health. Add more fruits and vegetables into your day, skins included.

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Stay hydrated

Making sure to drink enough water is a super simple way to kickstart a healthy eating pattern. Dehydration can lead to overeating and low energy, so it doesn’t jive with weight loss or health goals. You may be drinking less water than you normally would, if your routine has changed from staying home. Keep a water bottle with you so you have easy access (and a reminder) when you need to take a drink.

Get moving

It is probably no surprise that movement is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle. There are several exercises that are proven to help you lose weight that may surprise you. Simple things you can do at home, like walking and yoga. Even activities like gardening or cleaning can up your daily calorie burn and, over time, can help with weight loss. Beyond weight loss, exercise has numerous benefits to your body and mind. Studies have even shown just ten minutes a day can stave off chronic diseases like dementia.

How much weight did you gain during quarantine?

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