Considering going vegan? You’re not alone: Every month, people test out the meat- and dairy-free diet for ethical and environmental reasons—and for their health. So is it worth it? To answer that, you’ll need to know what it’s like to go vegan—especially during those potentially challenging first 30 transitional days.

A microbiome makeover

The bacteria inside your gut can have a big impact on your health. A standard American diet fosters the growth of some disease-promoting bacteria. While a more fiber-rich diet leads to a diverse microbiome full of friendly bacteria. Switching to a fiber-rich vegan diet results in rapid changes to your gut bacteria. After only a couple of days, if you switch someone from a meat-based to a plant-based diet, or vice-versa, you get profound changes in the microbiome.

Vitamin imbalances

As good as a vegan diet can be for your health, there is a potential for vitamin deficiencies, especially in B12. Omega-3 fatty acids may also be deficient in a vegan diet, though [they] can be found in flax seeds and walnuts. Talk to your doctor or a nutritionist who can help determine whether or not you should consider taking supplements to replace these missing nutrients, along with iron, zinc, and calcium.

Unstoppable hunger

Sometimes all the details of a new diet might not click until you’re in the thick of it—even if you’re an otherwise informed, capable cook and meal planner. Cutting out meat was easy, but cutting eggs and cheese was much more difficult. Thanks to meal prep, staying vegan for a month wasn’t hard.

Glowing complexion

Several vegans reported that the impact on their skin was immediate—and amazing. The biggest physical change noticed was the skin. The change in diet really seemed to clear the complexion.

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More energy

There is a noticeable increase in energy level immediately. Morning cup of coffee might be all you needed to keep your energized throughout the day. But is that due to a vegan diet—or something else? We don’t have real science to show that people actually have more energy when they go vegan.

Cooking transformations

No surprise, with so many foods verboten: Some of your tried-and-true meal ideas won’t fly. For some vegan newbies, that’s a delight.

Gas, bloating, and other GI upheaval

Forward bends, twists, and many other poses help stimulate the digestive tract and help keep you regular.

Did you ever consider going vegetarian?

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