Looking for ways to bond with your family members? If you’re at home with your family during quarantine, try these fun activities together! By practicing activities that promote health, mental wellness, and family bonding, you can transform connections, take the time to get to know each other better, and instill habits of healthy living.

Wind Down with Meditation

Winding down at the end of the day makes for a better night’s sleep and a better morning for everyone. Include the whole family in a nightly meditation to reflect on the day and clear the mental clutter before bed. Practice a mantra, listen to calming music, or simply listen to some guided meditations together. The energy between you will strengthen your connection to each other and to yourself.

Change the “To-Do” List to the “TO-FUN” List

Nobody likes doing household chores. But, you can transform mundane household duties into a game that will get the family involved in keeping the house clean. And a clean house keeps everyone in the family happy.

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Dance & Sing Your Hearts Out

Put on some family friendly tunes (or grab a karaoke machine), crank up the volume, turn down the lights, and turn the evening into a family disco night! Dancing is not only great exercise for everyone involved, but it releases the soul from the confines of expectation and allows the energy within to flow freely. Leave embarrassment at the door and bond by showing everyone that it’s ok to be yourself.

Cook Together & Eat Together

Involving the entire family with food preparation can help everyone eat healthier, teach the kids about food, and create a bonding experience that everyone enjoys. Not only is it important to teach children the importance of appreciating food, it is also a great opportunity to teach some basic cooking skills. Once the meal is prepared, make a habit of having dinner together every weeknight around a table— without phones, TV, music or distractions. Play a game to get everyone talking by sharing the highlight and low point of each day or sharing one thing each person is grateful for.

What else you do to strengthen your family’s bond?

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