Some people may mistake the feelings that come with being in an unhealthy relationship with depression, and try to treat the wrong things to feel better. Understanding what should never be accepted in a relationship, of any kind, will make it easier to escape a harmful and destructive relationship and start rebuilding your life. Here are six things you should never accept in a relationship.


A partner who shirks their share of the chores, spends recklessly and doesn’t take responsibility for their actions is not a partner that anyone should have to deal with in a relationship.


A red flag in any relationship is a partner who gets jealous of their significant other’s success, or a partner who tries to keep their significant other from achieving their goals. A healthy relationship includes partners who are supportive of one another, not partners who try to sabotage one another. Never accept a relationship where your partner doesn’t support your dreams and goals in life.


Communication is the backbone of any relationship. Without it, most relationships face a plethora of problems. Maintaining open lines of communication is so important, and a strong relationship allows each individual to express themselves with a partner who listens and promotes further communication.

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If your partner is emotionally unavailable, then the relationship is just not going to work. People get into relationships because they want to share their lives with another person. Someone who is emotionally unavailable and getting into a relationship may not have your best interests in mind – in fact, they may not be interested in your emotions at all, but rather financial gain or sexual gratifications. Being with someone emotionally available is a key part of any relationship, and a lack of emotional reciprocation should never be tolerated.


Not everyone can be positive at all times. There are times where people feel low in their lives. But a relationship that is devoid of positivity is a relationship that no one should have to deal with. A consistently negative partner will eventually start to seep into the way that they treat their significant other, which will be bound to be just as negative as the rest of their outlook. Settling for a partner with a negative outlook will only bring you down.


Relationships are built on trust. When there’s a lack of trust, the relationship is going to start to fall apart. Partners who are extremely controlling and demand that they know where their significant other is at all times should never be tolerated.
Have you experienced any of the signs above?

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