It may seem like charismatic people are born charming, but the truth is that likability can be learned and honed, just like any other skill. Start with these 7 secrets to become one of those friendly and super-likable people that everyone feels comfortable around and wants to get to know better.

Say what you mean verbally and nonverbally

One of the most important elements in likability is to make sure that all the nonverbal messages you send the other person are congruent with the actual words that come out of your mouth. Say what you mean verbally and nonverbally, and others will feel closer to you and more confident in trusting you.

Look for shared interests

When it comes to establishing a rapport with someone, look for ways to establish common ground through shared hobbies or interests. This is when having a variety of interests and a diverse background will come in handy. It may help to do a little homework ahead of time if you know you will be meeting new people.


Be reliable and balanced

Being moody, short-tempered or gloomy are the opposite of likable. People who are known for their unpredictable and fluctuating moods aren’t making anyone’s “most lovable” list. In fact, people will actively avoid you. If you want others to be comfortable approaching you, people need to feel confident that you are even-tempered and reliable.

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Be open-minded

Likable people are seen as approachable and personable because they are open-minded and willing to talk to and listen to many different types of people. They avoid having preconceived notions or passing judgment on others, but are willing to hear others out and get different points of view.

Ask conversation starters

Knowing how to start a conversation on the right foot is key to immediately instilling a sense of belonging and connection. Questions get the other person talking and engaged in a conversation, but the trick is knowing what questions to ask.

Synchronize yourself to those around you

We may not realize it, but when it comes to social interactions, we all like a copycat. We naturally synchronize ourselves to those around us. When someone smiles, we are inclined to smile back. This begins in infancy: babies naturally imitate the facial expressions of those around them.

Ditch your devices and focus on who’s in front of you


Put down your smartphone, step away from your digital devices and focus on the humans in front of you. Instead of scrolling social media, just socialize. Mingle with people in real time. If you are attempting to monitor your email or return text messages, you will fail miserably at building a relationship with the live person you’re ignoring.

Have you tried the tips above?

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