A healthy relationship involves maintaining your independence, which includes your own personal thoughts. Some of these thoughts might be keeping private unimportant things that might upset your partner or bring about unnecessary disharmony in your relationship, like the nitty gritty details of a past relationship. Read on for the things you can keep private.
Any Comments From Others About Your Partner
This relationship is between you and your partner, so there’s no need to share potentially hurtful comments or opinions from people on the outside.
Things You Liked Better About Your Ex
This one might seem obvious, but it’s not really cool to share things about your ex that you liked better. While you want to be honest and have a fulfilling life, tread carefully.
Any Jealousies That May Crop Up
Some people might argue that it’s important to share all your jealousies with your partner. And I mostly agree. But if you go overboard, it can do more harm than good.
The Details Of Your Past Relationships
Hands down, the worst mistake people make is talking in detail about their past relationships.
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Your Partner’s Insignificant Flaws
Do you hate the way your partner sneezes, or how they chew their cereal in the morning? When you’re around someone all the time, it’s easy to notice his or her little flaws and imperfections.
Any Remaining Feelings You Have For An Ex
If things are reigniting with your ex, tell your partner ASAP. But if you’re just privately reeling from a past relationship, it might be smart to keep that on the down low. Complicated feelings for exes are very common. Just because you’re in a happy relationship with your current partner doesn’t erase previous good memories with an ex.
The Intimate Details Of Your Infidelity
If one of you cheats, you can either break up, or you can do everything in your power to make each other feel comfortable again by rebuilding trust. And that doesn’t always include providing intimate details of your affair.
How You Felt About Your SO Initially
If you weren’t initially attracted to your partner or didn’t even like them when you first met, there is no point in bringing this up now since you have a connection. It’ll only hurt their feelings.
A Passing Crush On A Coworker
You’re only human, so it’s totally OK if you have fleeting crushes on coworkers or people you see everyday. But unless it’s becoming an issue or you’re thinking about acting on the crush, it’s probably smart to keep it to yourself.
What else do you think it is not wise to share with your partner?
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