Mind-Full, or Mindful? .. Your Life, Your Choice!

Have ever been put in a situation where you had to shower your baby while answering your phone, and answering the doorbell at the same exact moment ! Or had to cook while holding your baby, and in between answering your work emails!! Or been at work, thinking to drop by the grocery, while planning for your weekend! I bet we have all been through this, it is a busy world!

Among this busy world, you may find yourself losing your connection with the present moment, missing out on what you’re doing and how you’re feeling.

Mindfulness is all about practicing of focusing your attention  with what’s happening around you in the current – and only current –  moment.

It is always your choice either to be Mind-full or Mindful !  you can also find related classes at: Wellbii

Benefits of Mindfulness

1- Improves Physical Health

It has been proven that Mindfulness actually have very positive impacts on our physical health, for instance it reduces stress, treat heart disease, lower blood pressure, reduce chronic pain, and  improve our sleep patterns.

2- Improves Mental Health

Recently psychotherapists have been using mindfulness techniques as a key factor in their treatments, as it has also proven itself to have remarkable treating role for some cases such as depression, eating disorders and  anxiety disorders.

And now you might ask, How does Mindfulness work?!

Experts supports that Mindfulness works,in part, by helping people to accept their current moments/ experiences – especially painful moments- rather than reacting to them with avoidance or denial.

Mindfulness Techniques:

All mindfulness techniques are a form of meditation and there are plenty of techniques that can be applied, all of them aim to reach an alert state of mind , focusing on relaxation by paying attention to our thoughts and feelings without judgment. This allows our  minds to focus on the present/ current moment, be alert to it, accept it and just live the moment! Our current moment.

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