When you think about your children’s future, you imagine great things. You want them to be healthy and thriving. You want to help them avoid poor outcomes while striving to meet their goals and living a happy life. Bellow are ways to instill the values and education in your children that allow them to live a healthy life.

Practice What You Preach

The biggest obstacle to children developing healthy habits is often that the adults in the home don’t practice them either. It’s hard to convince kids to get daily exercise if you’re not active, or to avoid drinking soda if you consume several each day. Children learn much more from what they observe than what you say. When your words and actions are aligned, you’ll be setting an example they can’t ignore.

Encourage a Growth Mindset

A study showed that students who did better in school had respect for effort and believed they could grow through failure. Although highly intelligent, others struggled because they thought their intelligence was set, and failure meant they weren’t smart after all. The first group has a growth mindset, and the second has a fixed mindset. Diving into these philosophies takes some time, but the bottom line is that you want to encourage your children to have a growth mindset.

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Make Healthy Choices Fun

Kids love to have fun, and when you make healthy living enjoyable, they’re much more likely to follow through. On top of that, they’ll carry the understanding throughout their life that being healthy doesn’t have to be hard or heavy. It can be fun!

Think About What Changes You Want to Emphasize

It’s common to want to make dozens of changes at once and follow through on each of them perfectly. However, that never works — not for adults and not for kids. Making too many changes at once is overwhelming, and we end up going back to our old habits. That’s why most people give up on their New Year’s resolutions by January 19th!
The best way to make healthy changes is to start small and focus on developing habits. Teeth brushing is an excellent habit that anyone can practice, and it makes a big difference in overall health. You can also help your children develop the daily habits of drinking water when they wake up and getting in some fun movement every day.

Start Early

The younger your child is, the easier it is to lay a foundation of healthy thinking and activity. Help them understand, in simple terms, why certain choices are essential. You can talk about how good food helps them grow up and be healthy and about how choosing to be grateful helps them be happier.

What is the healthy habit you want to teach your kids the most?

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